Contact Contact details
PORT24 Sp. z o.o.
Pl. Bohaterów 4
65-050 Zielona Góra
NIP 9731008989
+48 68 411 46 35
+48 68 411 46 36
PORT24 Sp. z o.o.
Mostki przy trasie DK92
66-218 Lubrza
Marcin Tomaszewski
+48 601 382 293
Region Zachód
+48 519 020 630
- A significant reduction in the costs of fuel
- Full, real-time control of refuelling
- A reduction in fraud, thanks to the introduction of card limits
- A reduction in refuelling time through the automation of transactions
- Non-cash payments
- Deferred payment (up to 30 days)
- Detailed reports of transactions
- Additional discounts on other products and services